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study of the king james bible(钦印〈圣经〉研究)

study of the king james bible(钦印〈圣经〉研究)

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《study of the king james bible(钦印〈圣经〉研究)》|总人气: 188| 总推荐: 1| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    Study of the King James BibleStudy of the King JamesBibleBY CLELAND BOYD McAFEE, D.D.1- Page 2-Study of the King James BiblePREFACETHE lectures included in this volume were prepared at the request ofthe Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences, and were delivered in theearly part of 1912, under its auspices. They were suggested by thetercentenary of the King James version of the Bible. The plan adopted led...

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