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the story of a pioneer

the story of a pioneer

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《the story of a pioneer》|总人气: 198| 总推荐: 1| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    The Story of a Pioneerby Anna Howard ShawBYANNA HOWARD SHAW, D.D., M.D.WITH THE COLLABORATION OFELIZABETH JORDANTHE STORY OF A PIONEERTOTHE WOMEN PIONEERSOF AMERICAThey cut a path through tangled underwoodOf old traditions, out to broader ways.They lived to here their work called brave and good,But oh! the thorns before the crown of bays.The world gives lashes to its PioneersUntil the goal is reachedthen deafening cheers.Adapted by ANNA HOWARD SHAW.CONTENTS...

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