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《stanislaus(圣·斯坦斯洛斯·科斯卡传)》|总人气: 294| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    FOR GREATER THINGS: The story of Saint Stanislaus KostkaFOR GREATERTHINGS: The story ofSaint Stanislaus Kostkaby William T. Kane, S.J.PREFACEAmong Christian evidences the heroic virtue and holiness of Catholicyouth must not be overlooked. Juvenile and adolescent victories of aconspicuous kind, over the flesh, the world, and the devil, can be found inno land and in no age, except a Christian land and age, and in no Churchexcept the Catholic Church. It is of all excellences the very rarest and most...


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