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《chastelard》|总人气: 212| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    Chastelard, A TragedyBy Algernon Charles SwingurnePERSONS.MARY STUART.MARY BEATON.MARY SEYTON.MARY CARMICHAEL.MARY HAMILTON.PIERRE DE BOSCOSEL DE CHASTELARD.DARNLEY.MURRAY.RANDOLPH.MORTON.LINDSAY.FATHER BLACK.Guards, Burgesses, a Preacher, Citizens, &c.Another Yle is there toward the Northe, in the See Occean,where that ben fulle cruele and ful evele Wommen of Nature:and thei han precious Stones in hire Eyen; and their ben ofthat kynde, that zif they beholden ony man, thei slen him anonwith the beholdynge, as dothe the Basilisk....


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