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the commonwealth of oceana

the commonwealth of oceana

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《the commonwealth of oceana》|总人气: 136| 总推荐: 1| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    The Commonwealth of Oceanaby James Harrington1656JANOTTI, the most excellent describer of the Commonwealth of Venice, divides the whole series of government into two times or periods: the one ending with the liberty of Rome, which was the course or empire, as I may call it, of ancient prudence, first discovered to mankind by God himself in the fabric of the commonwealth of Israel, and afterward picked out of his footsteps in nature, and unanimously followed by the Greeks and Romans; the other beginning with the arms of Caesar, which, extinguishing liberty, were the transition of ancient into modern prudence, introduced by those inundations of Huns, Goths, Vandals, Lombar

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