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north america-2

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    North AmericaVolume 2by Anthony TrollopeCONTENTS OF VOL. II.CHAPTER I.WashingtonCHAPTER II.CongressCHAPTER III.The Causes of the WarCHAPTER IV.Washington to St. LouisCHAPTER V.MissouriCHAPTER VI.Cairo and Camp WoodCHAPTER VII.The Army of the NorthCHAPTER VIII.Back to BostonCHAPTER IX.The Constitution of the United StatesCHAPTER X.The GovernmentCHAPTER XI.The Law Courts and Lawyers of the United StatesCHAPTER XII.The Financial PositionCHAPTER XIII.The Post-officeCHAPTER XIV.American HotelsCHAPTER XV.LiteratureCHAPTER XVI.ConclusionNORTH AMERICA.CHAPTER 1. WASHINGTON.The site of the present City of Washington was chosen with three special views: firstly, that being on the

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