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the history of the telephone

the history of the telephone

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《the history of the telephone》|总人气: 46| 总推荐: 2| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    The History of the Telephoneby Herbert N. CassonPREFACEThirty-five short years, and presto! the newborn art of telephony is fullgrown. Three million telephones are now scattered abroad in foreign countries, and seven millions are massed here, in the land of its birth.So entirely has the telephone outgrown the ridicule with which, as many people can well remember, it was first received, that it is now in most places taken for granted, as though it were a part of the natural phenomena of this planet. It has so marvellously extended the facilities of conversationthat "art in which a man has all mankind for competitors"that it is now an indispensable help to whoever would li

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