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the surprising adventures of baron munchausen

the surprising adventures of baron munchausen

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《the surprising adventures of baron munchausen》|总人气: 38| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    The Surprising Adventures of Baron MunchausenBy Rudolph Erich RaspeINTRODUCTIONIt is a curious fact that of that class of literature to which Munchausen belongs, that namely of /Voyages Imaginaires/, the three great types should have all been created in England. Utopia, Robinson Crusoe, and Gulliver, illustrating respectively the philosophical, the edifying, and the satirical type of fictitious travel, were all written in England, and at the end of the eighteenth century a fourth type, the fantastically mendacious, was evolved in this country. Of this type Munchausen was the modern original, and remains the classical example. The adaptability of such a species of composi

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