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the spirit of the border

the spirit of the border

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《the spirit of the border》|总人气: 55| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    THE SPIRIT OF THE BORDERA ROMANCE OF THE EARLY SETTLERS IN THE OHIO VALLEYBY ZANE GREY1906To my brotherWith many fond recollections of days spent in the solitude of the forestswhere only can be satisfied that wild fever of freedom of which this booktells; where to hear the whirr of a wild duck in his rapid flight is joy;where the quiet of an autumn afternoon swells the heart, and where one maywatch the fragrant wood-smoke curl from the campfire, and see the starspeepover dark, wooded hills as twilight deepens, and know a happiness that dwellsin the wilderness alone.Introduction...

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