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the madonna of the future

the madonna of the future

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《the madonna of the future》|总人气: 145| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    The Madonna of the Futureby Henry JamesWe had been talking about the masters who had achieved but a singlemasterpiecethe artists and poets who but once in their lives hadknown the divine afflatus and touched the high level of perfection.Our host had been showing us a charming little cabinet picture by apainter whose name we had never heard, and who, after this singlespasmodic bid for fame, had apparently relapsed into obscurity andmediocrity. There was some discussion as to the frequency of thisphenomenon; during which, I observed, H- sat silent, finishing hiscigar with a meditative air, and looking at the picture which was...

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