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andreas hofer

andreas hofer

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《andreas hofer》|总人气: 21| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    Andreas HoferAn HISTORICAL NOVELby Lousia MuhlbachCONTENTS.CHAPTERI 1809II The Emperor FrancisIII The Courier and the AmbassadorIV The Emperor and his BrothersV The Performance of "The Creation"VI Andreas HoferVII Andreas Hofer at the TheatreVIII Consecration of the Flags, and FarewellIX Tis Time!X Anthony Wallner of Windisch-MatreyXI The Declaration of LoveXII Farewell!XIII The BridegroomXIV The Bridge of St. LawrenceXV The Bridge of LaditchXVI On the Sterzinger MoosXVII The Hay-WagonsXVIII Capture of Innspruck...

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