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five tales

five tales

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《five tales》|总人气: 43| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    Five Talesby John Galsworthy"Life calls the tune, we dance."CONTENTS:THE FIRST AND LASTA STOICTHE APPLE TREETHE JURYMANINDIAN SUMMER OF A FORSYTETHE FIRST AND LAST"So the last shall be first, and the first last."HOLY WRIT.It was a dark room at that hour of six in the evening, when just the single oil reading-lamp under its green shade let fall a dapple of light over the Turkey carpet; over the covers of books taken out of the bookshelves, and the open pages of the one selected; over the deep blue and gold of the coffee service on the little old stool with its Oriental embroidery. Very dark in the winter, with drawn curtains, many rows of leather-bound volumes, oak-panel

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