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preface 2

preface 2

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《preface 2》|总人气: 22| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    PREFACE TO THE "CHARLES DICKENS" EDITION OF "AMERICAN NOTES"MY readers have opportunities of judging for themselves whether theinfluences and tendencies which I distrusted in America, had, atthat time, any existence but in my imagination. They can examinefor themselves whether there has been anything in the public careerof that country since, at home or abroad, which suggests that thoseinfluences and tendencies really did exist. As they find the fact,they will judge me. If they discern any evidences of wrong-going,in any direction that I have indicated, they will acknowledge thatI had reason in what I wrote. If they discern no such indications,...

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