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mark twain, a biography, 1900-1907

mark twain, a biography, 1900-1907

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    Mark Twain, A Biography, 1900-1907By Albert Bigelow PaineVOLUME III, Part 1: 1900-1907CCXIITHE RETURN OF THE CONQUERORIt would be hard to exaggerate the stir which the newspapers and thepublic generally made over the homecoming of Mark Twain. He had leftAmerica, staggering under heavy obligation and set out on a pilgrimage ofredemption. At the moment when this Mecca, was in view a great sorrowhad befallen him and, stirred a world-wide and soul-deep tide of humansympathy. Then there had followed such ovation as has seldom beenconferred upon a private citizen, and now approaching old age, still inthe fullness of his mental vigor, he had returned to his native soil with.

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