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the dore lectures on mental science

the dore lectures on mental science

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《the dore lectures on mental science》|总人气: 78| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    The Dore Lectures on Mental Scienceby Thomas TrowardENTERING INTO THE SPIRIT OF ITINDIVIDUALITYTHE NEW THOUGHT AND THE NEW ORDERTHE LIPS OF THE SPIRITALPHA AND OMEGATHE CREATIVE POWER OF THOUGHTTHE GREAT AFFIRMATIVECHRIST THE FULFILLING OF THE LAWTHE STORY OF EDENTHE WORSHIP OF ISHITHE SHEPHERD AND THE STONESALVATION IS OF THE JEWSFOREWORD.The addresses contained in this volume were delivered by me at the Dore Gallery, Bond Street, London, on the Sundays of the first three months of the present year, and are now published at the kind request of many of my hearers, hence their title of "The Dore Lectures." A number of separate discourses on a variety of subjects necessari

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