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philosophy 4

philosophy 4

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《philosophy 4》|总人气: 113| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    Philosophy 4A Story of Harvard Universityby Owen WisterITwo frowning boys sat in their tennis flannels beneath the glare of lampand gas. Their leather belts were loosened, their soft pink shirtsunbuttoned at the collar. They were listening with gloomy voracity tothe instruction of a third. They sat at a table bared of its customarysporting ornaments, and from time to time they questioned, sucked theirpencils, and scrawled vigorous, laconic notes. Their necks and facesshone with the bloom of out-of-doors. Studious concentration wasevidently a painful novelty to their features. Drops of perspiration...

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