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the story of doctor dolittle

the story of doctor dolittle

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《the story of doctor dolittle》|总人气: 162| 总推荐: 1| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    The Story of Doctor Dolittleby Hugh LoftingTHEStory ofDOCTOR DOLITTLEBEING THEHISTORY OF HIS PECULIAR LIFEAT HOME AND ASTONISHING ADVENTURESIN FOREIGN PARTS NEVER BEFORE PRINTED.TOALL CHILDRENCHILDREN IN YEARS AND CHILDREN IN HEARTI DEDICATE THIS STORYThere are some of us now reachingmiddle age who discover themselves to belamenting the past in one respect if in none other,that there are no books written now for childrencomparable with those of thirty years ago. Isay written FOR children because the newpsychological business of writing ABOUT them as though...

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