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the essays of montaigne, v6

the essays of montaigne, v6

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    The Essays of Montaigne, V6by Michel de MontaigneTranslated by Charles CottonEdited by William Carew Hazilitt1877CONTENTS OF VOLUME 6.XXVII. Of friendship.XXVIII. Nine-and-twenty sonnets of Estienne de la Boetie.XXIX. Of moderation.XXX. Of cannibals.XXXI. That a man is soberly to judge of the divine ordinances.XXXII. That we are to avoid pleasures, even at the expense of life.XXXIII. That fortune is oftentimes observed to act by the rule ofreason.XXXIV. Of one defect in our government.XXXV. Of the custom of wearing clothes.XXXVI. Of Cato the Younger.XXXVII. That we laugh and cry for the same thing....

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