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the adventure of shoscombe old place

the adventure of shoscombe old place

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《the adventure of shoscombe old place》|总人气: 17| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

     SHERLOCK HOLMESTHE ADVENTURE OF SHOSCOMBE OLD PLACEby Sir Arthur Conan DoyleSherlock Holmes had been bending for a long time over a low-powermicroscope. Now he straightened himself up and looked round at me intriumph."It is glue, Watson," said he. "Unquestionably it is glue. Have alook at these scattered objects in the field!"I stooped to the eyepiece and focussed for my vision."Those hairs are threads from a tweed coat. The irregular graymasses are dust. There are epithelial scales on the left. Thosebrown blobs in the centre are undoubtedly glue."...

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