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《a17》|总人气: 28| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    1872FAIRY TALES OF HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSENTHE WILL-O-THE WISP IS IN THE TOWN,SAYS THE MOOR WOMANby Hans Christian AndersenTHERE was a man who once knew many stories, but they had slipped away from him- so he said. The Story that used to visit him of its own accord no longer came and knocked at his door. And why did it come no longer? It is true enough that for days and years the man had not thought of it, had not expected it to come and knock; and if he had expected it, it would certainly not have come; for without there was war, and within was the care and sorrow that war brings with it.The stork and the swallows came back from their long journey,...



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