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an episode of fiddletown

an episode of fiddletown

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《an episode of fiddletown》|总人气: 332| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

    AN EPISODE OF FIDDLETOWNIn 1858 Fiddletown considered her a very pretty woman. She had aquantity of light chestnut hair, a good figure, a dazzlingcomplexion, and a certain languid grace which passed easily forgentle-womanliness. She always dressed becomingly, and in whatFiddletown accepted as the latest fashion. She had only twoblemishes: one of her velvety eyes, when examined closely, had aslight cast; and her left cheek bore a small scar left by a singledrop of vitriol happily the only drop of an entire phialthrownupon her by one of her own jealous sex, that reached the prettyface it was intended to mar. But when the observer had studied the...

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