《martin guerre》



martin guerre- 第4部分

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thorns; and convinced himself; not without emotion; that the scar

could still be seen。

Bertrande was touched by this display of affectionate recollections;

and felt vexed at her own coldness。  She came up to Martin and laid

her hand in his。  He said gently

〃My departure caused you great grief: I now repent what I did。  But I

was young; I was proud; and your reproaches were unjust。〃

〃Ah;〃 said she; 〃you have not forgotten the cause of our quarrel?〃

〃It was little Rose; our neighbour; whom you said I was making love

to; because you found us together at the spring in the little wood。

I explained that we met only by chance;besides; she was only a

child;but you would not listen; and in your anger〃

〃Ah! forgive me; Martin; forgive me!〃 she interrupted; in confusion。

〃In your blind anger you took up; I know not what; something which

lay handy; and flung it at me。  And here is the mark;〃 he continued;

smiling; 〃 this scar; which is still to be seen。〃

〃Oh; Martin!  〃Bertrande exclaimed; 〃can you ever forgive me?〃

〃As you see;〃 Martin replied; kissing her tenderly。

Much moved; Bertrande swept aside his hair; and looked at the scar

visible on his forehead。

〃But;〃 she said; with surprise not free from alarm; 〃this scar seems

to me like a fresh one。〃

〃Ah!〃 Martin explained; with a; little embarrassment; 〃it reopened

lately。  But I had thought no more about it。  Let us forget it;

Bertrande; I should not like a recollection which might make you

think yourself less dear to me than you once were。〃

And he drew her upon his knee。  She repelled him gently。

〃Send the child to bed;〃 said Martin。  〃Tomorrow shall be for him;

to…night you have the first place; Bertrande; you only。〃

The boy kissed his father and went。

Bertrande came and knelt beside her husband; regarding him

attentively with an uneasy smile; which did not appear to please him

by any means。

〃What is the matter?〃 said he。  〃Why do you examine me thus?〃

〃I do not knowforgive me; oh!  forgive me!  。  。  。  But the

happiness of seeing you was so great and unexpected; it is all like a

dream。  I must try to become accustomed to it; give me some time to

collect myself; let me spend this night in prayer。  I ought to offer

my joy and my thanksgiving to Almighty God〃

〃Not so;〃 interrupted her husband; passing his arms round her neck

and stroking her beautiful hair。  〃No; 'tis to me that your first

thoughts are due。  After so much weariness; my rest is in again

beholding you; and my happiness after so many trials will be found in

your love。  That hope has supported me throughout; and I long to be

assured that it is no illusion。〃  So saying; he endeavoured to raise


〃Oh;〃 she murmured; 〃I pray you leave me。〃

〃What!〃 he exclaimed angrily。  〃 Bertrande; is this your love?  Is it

thus you keep faith with me? You will make me doubt the evidence of

your friends; you will make me think that indifference; or even

another love〃

〃You insult me;〃 said Bertrande; rising to her feet。

He caught her in his arms。  〃No; no; I think nothing which could

wound you; my queen; and I believe your fidelity; even as before; you

know; on that first journey; when you wrote me these loving letters

which I have treasured ever since。  Here they are。〃  And he drew

forth some papers; on which Bertrande recognised her own handwriting。

〃Yes;〃 he continued; 〃I have read and …re…read them。。。。  See; you

spoke then of your love and the sorrows of absence。  But why all this

trouble and terror?  You tremble; just as you did when I first

received you from your father's hands。。。。  It was here; in this very

room。。。。  You begged me then to leave you; to let you spend the night

in prayer; but I insisted; do you remember? and pressed you to my

heart; as I do now。〃

〃Oh;〃 she murmured weakly; 〃have pity!〃

But the words were intercepted by a kiss; and the remembrance of the

past; the happiness of the present; resumed their sway; the imaginary

terrors were forgotten; and the curtains closed around the marriage…


The next day was a festival in the village of Artigues。  Martin

returned the visits of all who had come to welcome him the previous

night; and there were endless recognitions and embracings。  The young

men remembered that he had played with them when they were little;

the old men; that they had been at his wedding when he was only


The women remembered having envied Bertrande; especially the pretty

Rose; daughter of Marcel; the apothecary; she who had roused the

demon of jealousy in; the poor wife's heart。  And Rose knew quite

well that the jealousy was not without some cause; for Martin had

indeed shown her attention; and she was unable to see him again

without emotion。  She was now the wife of a rich peasant; ugly; old;

and jealous; and she compared; sighing; her unhappy lot with that of

her more fortunate neighbour。  Martin's sisters detained him amongst

them; and spoke of their childish games and of their parents; both

dead in Biscay。  Martin dried the tears which flowed at these

recollections of the past; and turned their thoughts to rejoicing。

Banquets were given and received。  Martin invited all his relations

and former friends; an easy gaiety prevailed。  It was remarked that

the hero of the feast refrained from wine; he was thereupon

reproached; but answered that on account of the wounds he had

received he was obliged to avoid excess。  The excuse was admitted;

the result of Martin's precautions being that he kept a clear head on

his shoulders; while all the rest had their tongues loosed by


〃Ah!〃 exclaimed one of the guests; who had studied a little medicine;

〃Martin is quite right to be afraid of drink。  Wounds which have

thoroughly healed may be reopened and inflamed by intemperance; and

wine in the case of recent wounds is deadly poison。  Men have died on

the field of battle in an hour or two merely because they had

swallowed a little brandy。〃

Martin Guerre grew pale; and began a conversation with the pretty

Rose; his neighbour。  Bertrande observed this; but without

uneasiness; she had suffered too much from her former suspicions;

besides her husband showed her so much affection that she was now

quite happy。

When the first few days were over; Martin began to look into his

affairs。  His property had suffered by his long absence; and he was

obliged to go to Biscay to claim his little estate there; the law

having already laid hands upon it。  It was several months before; by

dint of making judicious sacrifices; he could regain possession of

the house and fields which had belonged to his father。  This at last

accomplished; he returned to Artigues; in order to resume the

management of his wife's property; and with this end in view; about

eleven months after his return; he paid a visit to his uncle Pierre。

Pierre was expecting him; he was extremely polite; desired Martin ;

to sit down; overwhelmed him with compliments; knitting his brows as

he discovered that his nephew decidedly meant business。  Martin broke


〃Uncle;〃 he said; 〃I come to thank you for the care you have taken of

my wife's property; she could never have managed it alone。  You have

received the income in the family interest: as a good guardian; I

expected no less from your affection。  But now that I have returned;

and am free from other cares; we will go over the accounts; if you


His uncle coughed and cleared his voice before replying; then said

slowly; as if counting his words

〃It is all accounted for; my dear nephew; Heaven be praised!  I don't

owe you anything。〃

〃What!〃 exclaimed the astonished Martin; 〃but the whole income?〃

〃Was well and properly employed in the maintenance of your wife and


〃What!  a thousand livres for that?  And Bertrande lived alone; so

quietly and simply!  Nonsense! it is impossible。〃

〃Any surplus;〃 resumed the old man; quite unmoved;〃 any surplus

went to pay the expenses of seed…time and harvest。〃

〃What! at a time when labour costs next to nothing?〃

〃Here is the account;〃 said Pierre。

〃Then the account is a false one;〃 returned his nephew。

Pierre thought it advisable to appear extremely offended and angry;

and Martin; exasperated at his evident dishonesty; took still higher

ground; and threatened to bring an action against him。  Pierre

ordered him to leave the house; and suiting actions to words; took

hold of his arm to enforce his departure。  Martin; furious; turned

and raised his fist to strike。

〃What! strike your uncle; wretched boy!〃 exclaimed the old man。

Martin's hand dropped; but he left the house uttering reproaches and

insults; among which Pierre distinguished

〃Cheat that you are!〃

〃That is a word I shall remember;〃 cried the angry old man; slamming

his door violently。

Martin brought an action before the judge at Rieux; and in course of

time obtained a decree; which; reviewing the accounts presented by

Pierre; disallowed them; and condemned the dishonest guardian to pay

his nephew four hundred livres for each year of his administration。

The day on which this sum had to be disbursed from his strong box the

old usurer vowed vengeance; but until he could gratify his hatred he

was forced to conceal it; and to receive attempts at reconciliation

with a friendly smile。  It was not until six months later; on the

occasion of a joyous festivity; that Martin again set foot in his

uncle's house。  The bells were ringing for the birth of a child;

there was great gaiety at Bertrande's house; where all the guests

were waiting on the threshold for the godfather in order to take the

infant to church; and when Martin appeared; escorting his uncle; who

was adorned with a huge bouquet for the occasion; and who now came

forward and took the hand of Rose;
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