


cyropaedia- 第34部分

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would pay a great price to punish the king of Assyria。 But it is for
us to consider what he can best do。〃 '11' 〃Tell me now;〃 rejoined
Cyrus; 〃you spoke of an outpost; built against the Hyrcanians and the
Sakians; which was to protect Assyria in time of war;could the
eunuch be admitted there by the commandant if he came with a force at
his back?〃 〃Certainly he could;〃 said Gobryas; 〃if he were as free
from suspicion as he is to…day。〃 '12' 〃And free he would be;〃 Cyrus
went on; 〃if I were to attack his strongholds as though in earnest;
and he were to repel me in force。 I might capture some of his men; and
he some of my soldiers; or some messengers sent by me to those you say
are the enemies of Assyria; and these prisoners would let it be known
that they were on their way to fetch an army with scaling…ladders to
attack this fortress; and the eunuch; hearing their story; would
pretend that he came to warn the commandant in time。〃 '13'
〃Undoubtedly;〃 said Gobryas; 〃if things went thus; the commandant
would admit him; he would even beg him to stay there until you

〃And then;〃 Cyrus continued; 〃once inside the walls; he could put the
place into our hands?〃 '14' 〃We may suppose so;〃 said Gobryas。 〃He
would be there to settle matters within; and you would be redoubling
the pressure from without。〃

〃Then be off at once;〃 said Cyrus; 〃and do your best to teach him his
part; and when you have arranged affairs; come back to me; and as for
pledges of good faith; you could offer him none better than those you
received from us yourself。〃

'15' Then Gobryas made haste and was gone; and the eunuch welcomed him
gladly; he agreed to everything and helped to arrange all that was
needed。 Presently Gobryas brought back word that he thought the eunuch
had everything in readiness; and so; without more ado; Cyrus made his
feigned attack on the following day; and was beaten off。 '16' But on
the other hand there was a fortress; indicated by Gadatas himself;
that Cyrus took。 The messengers Cyrus had sent out; telling them
exactly where to go; fell into the hands of Gadatas: some were allowed
to escapetheir business was to fetch the troops and carry the
scaling…laddersbut the rest were narrowly examined in the presence
of many witnesses; and when Gadatas heard the object of their journey
he got his equipment together and set out in the night at full speed
to take the news。 '17' In the end he made his way into the fortress;
trusted and welcomed as a deliverer; and for a time he helped the
commandant to the best of his ability。 But as soon as Cyrus appeared
he seized the place; aided by the Persian prisoners he had taken。 '18'
This done; and having set things in order within the fortress; Gadatas
went out to Cyrus; bowed before him according to the custom of his
land; and said; 〃Cyrus; may joy be yours!〃

'19' 〃Joy is mine already;〃 answered he; 〃for you; God helping you;
have brought it to me。 You must know;〃 he added; 〃that I set great
store by this fortress; and rejoice to leave it in the hands of my
allies here。 And for yourself; Gadatas;〃 he added; 〃if the Assyrian
has robbed you of the ability to beget children; remember he has not
stolen your power to win friends; you have made us yours; I tell you;
by this deed; and we will stand by as faithfully as sons and grandsons
of your own。〃

'20' So Cyrus spoke。 And at that instant the Hyrcanian chief; who had
only just learnt what had happened; came running up to him; and
seizing him by the hand cried out:

〃O Cyrus; you godsend to your friends! How often you make me thank the
gods for bringing me to you!〃

'21' 〃Off with you; then;〃 said Cyrus; 〃and occupy this fortress for
which you bless me so。 Take it and make the best use of it you can;
for your own nation; and for all our allies; and above all for
Gadatas; our friend; who won it and surrenders it to us。〃

'22' 〃Then;〃 said the chieftain; 〃as soon as the Cadousians arrive and
the Sakians and my countrymen; we must; must we not? call a council of
them all; so that we may consult together; and see how best to turn it
to account。〃

'23' Cyrus thought the proposal good; and when they met together it
was decided to garrison the post with a common force; chosen from all
who were concerned that it should remain friendly and be an outer
balwark to overawe the Assyrians。 '24' This heightened the enthusiasm
of them all; Cadousians; Sakians; and Hyrcanians; and their levies
rose high; until the Cadousians sent in 20;000 light infantry and 4000
cavalry; and the Sakians 11;000 bowmen; 10;000 on foot and 1000
mounted; while the Hyrcanians were free to despatch all their reserves
of infantry and make up their horsemen to a couple of thousand strong;
whereas previously the larger portion of their cavalry had been left
at home to support the Cadousians and Sakians against Assyria。

'25' And while Cyrus was kept in the fortress; organising and
arranging everything; many of the Assyrians from the country round
brought in their horses and handed over their arms; being by this time
in great dread of their neighbours。

'26' Soon after this Gadatas came to Cyrus and told him that
messengers had come to say that the king of Assyria; learning what had
happened to the fortress; was beside himself with anger; and was
preparing to attack his territory。 〃If you; Cyrus;〃 said he; 〃will let
me go now; I will try to save my fortresses: the rest is of less
account。〃 '27' Cyrus said; 〃If you go now; when will you reach home?〃
And Gadatas answered; 〃On the third day from this I can sup in my own
house。〃 〃Do you think;〃 asked Cyrus; 〃that you will find the Assyrian
already there?〃 〃I am sure of it;〃 he answered; 〃for he will make
haste while he thinks you are still far off。〃 '28' 〃And I;〃 said
Cyrus; 〃when could I be there with my army?〃 But to this Gadatas made
answer; 〃The army you have now; my lord; is very large; and you could
not reach my home in less than six days or seven。〃 〃Well;〃 Cyrus
replied; 〃be off yourself: make all speed; and I will follow as best I

'29' So Gadatas was gone; and Cyrus called together all the officers
of the allies; and a great and goodly company they seemed; noble
gentlemen; beautiful and brave。 And Cyrus stood up among them all and

'30' 〃My allies and my friends; Gadatas has done deeds that we all
feel worthy of high reward; and that too before ever he had received
any benefit from us。 The Assyrians; we hear; have now invaded his
territory; to take vengeance for the monstrous injury they consider he
has done them; and moreover; they doubtless argue that if those who
revolt to us escape scot…free; while those who stand by them are cut
to pieces; ere long they will not have a single supporter on their
side。 '31' To…day; gentlemen; we may do a gallant deed; if we rescue
Gadatas; our friend and benefactor; and truly it is only just and
right thus to repay gift for gift; and boon for boon。 Moreover; as it
seems to me; what we accomplish will be much to our own interest。 '32'
If all men see that we are ready to give blow for blow and sting for
sting; while we outdo our benefactors in generous deeds; it is only
natural that multitudes will long to be our friends; and no man care
to be our foe。 '33' Whereas; if it be thought that we left Gadatas in
the lurch; how in heaven's name shall we persuade another to show us
any kindness? How shall we dare to think well of ourselves again? How
shall one of us look Gadatas in the face; when all of us; so many and
so strong; showed ourselves less generous than he; one single man and
in so sore a plight?〃

'34' Thus Cyrus spoke; and all of them assented right willingly; and
said it must be done。

〃Come then;〃 concluded Cyrus; 〃since you are all of one mind with me;
let each of us choose an escort for our waggons and beasts of burden。
'35' Let us leave them behind us; and put Gobryas at their head。 He is
acquainted with the roads; and for the rest he is a man of skill。 But
we ourselves will push on with our stoutest men and our strongest
horses; taking provision for three days and no more: the lighter and
cheaper our gear the more gaily shall we break our fast and take our
supper and sleep on the road。 '36' And now;〃 said he; 〃let us arrange
the order of the march。 You; Chrysantas; must lead the van with your
cuirassiers; since the road is broad and smooth; and you must put your
brigadiers in the first line; each regiment marching in file; for if
we keep close order we shall travel all the quicker and be all the
safer。 '37' I put the cuirassiers in the front;〃 he added; 〃because
they are our heaviest troops; and if the heaviest are leading; the
lighter cannot find it hard to follow: whereas where the swiftest lead
and the march is at night; it is no wonder if the column fall to
pieces: the vanguard is always running away。 '38' And behind the
cuirassiers;〃 he went on; 〃Artabazas is to follow with the Persian
targeteers and the bowmen; and behind them Andamyas the Mede with the
Median infantry; and then Embas and the Armenian infantry; and then
Artouchas with the Hyrcanians; and then Thambradas with the Sakian
foot; and finally Datamas with the Cadousians。 '39' All these officers
will put their brigadiers in the first line; their targeteers on the
right; and their bowmen on the left of their own squares: this is the
order in which they will be of most use。 '40' All the baggage…bearers
are to follow in the rear: and their officers must see that they get
everything together before they sleep; and present themselves betimes
in the morning; with all their gear; and always keep good order on the
march。 '41' In support of the baggage…train;〃 he added; 〃there will
be; first; Madatas the Persian with the Persian cavalry; and he too
must put his brigadiers in the front; each regiment following in
single file; as with the infantry。 '42' Behind them Rambacas the Mede
and his cavalry; in the same order; and then you; Tigranes; and yours;
and after you the other cavalry leaders with the men they brought。 The
Sakians will follow you; and last of all will come the Cadousians; who
were the last to join us; and you; Alkeunas; who are to command them;
for the present 
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