《on the significance of science and art》



on the significance of science and art- 第14部分

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labor。  In a naturally constituted society; this is quite otherwise。
I know of one community where the people supported themselves。  One
of the members of this society was better educated than the rest;
and they called upon him to read; so that he was obliged to prepare
himself during the day; in order that he might read in the evening。
This he did gladly; feeling that he was useful to others; and that
he was performing a good deed。  But he grew weary of exclusively
intellectual work; and his health suffered from it。  The members of
the community took pity on him; and requested him to go to work in
the fields。

For men who regard labor as the substance and the joy of life; the
basis; the foundation of life will always be the struggle with
nature;labor both agricultural and mechanical; and intellectual;
and the establishment of communion between men。  Departure from one
or from many of these varieties of labor; and the adoption of
special labor; will then only occur when the man possessed of a
special branch; and loving this work; and knowing that he can
perform it better than others; sacrifices his own profit for the
satisfaction of the direct demands made upon him。  Only on condition
of such a view of labor; and of the natural division of labor
arising from it; is that curse which is laid upon our idea of labor
abrogated; and does every sort of work becomes always a joy; because
a man will either perform that labor which is undoubtedly useful and
joyous; and not dull; or he will possess the consciousness of self…
abnegation in the fulfilment of more difficult and restricted toil;
which he exercises for the good of others。

But the division of labor is more profitable。  More profitable for
whom?  It is more profitable in making the greatest possible
quantity of calico; and boots in the shortest possible time。  But
who will make these boots and this calico?  There are people who;
for whole generations; make only the heads of pins。  Then how can
this be more profitable for men?  If the point lies in manufacturing
as much calico and as many pins as possible; then this is so。  But
the point concerns men and their welfare。  And the welfare of men
lies in life。  And life is work。  How; then; can the necessity for
burdensome; oppressive toil be more profitable for people?  For all
men; that one thing is more profitable which I desire for myself;
the utmost well…being; and the gratification of all those
requirements; both bodily and spiritual; of the conscience and of
the reason; which are imposed upon me。  And in my own case I have
found; that for my own welfare; and for the satisfaction of these
needs of mine; all that I require is to cure myself of that folly in
which I had been living; in company with the Krapivensky madman; and
which consisted in presupposing that some people need not work; and
that certain other people should direct all this; and that I should
therefore do only that which is natural to man; i。e。; labor for the
satisfaction of their requirements; and; having discovered this; I
convinced myself that labor for the satisfaction of one's own needs
falls of itself into various kinds of labor; each one of which
possesses its own charm; and which not only do not constitute a
burden; but which serve as a respite to one another。  I have made a
rough division of this labor (not insisting on the justice of this
arrangement); in accordance with my own needs in life; into four
parts; corresponding to the four stints of labor of which the day is
composed; and I seek in this manner to satisfy my requirements。

These; then; are the answers which I have found for myself to the
question; 〃What is to be done?〃

First; Not to lie to myself; however far removed my path in life may
be from the true path which my reason discloses to me。

Second; To renounce my consciousness of my own righteousness; my
superiority especially over other people; and to acknowledge my

Third; To comply with that eternal and indubitable law of humanity;…
…the labor of my whole being; feeling no shame at any sort of work;
to contend with nature for the maintenance of my own life and the
lives of others。


{1}  An omission by the censor; which I am unable to supply。  TRANS。

{2}  We designate as organisms the elephant and the bacterian; only
because we assume by analogy in those creatures the same conjunction
of feeling and consciousness that we know to exist in ourselves。
But in human societies and in humanity; this actual sign is absent;
and therefore; however many other signs we may discover in humanity
and in organism; without this substantial token the recognition of
humanity as an organism is incorrect。

{3}  v prikusku; when a lump of sugar is held in the teeth instead
or being put into the tea。

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