《eugenie grandet》



eugenie grandet- 第38部分

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income; and might seem parsimonious did she not disarm criticism by a
noble employment of her wealth。 Pious and charitable institutions; a
hospital for old age; Christian schools for children; a public library
richly endowed; bear testimony against the charge of avarice which
some persons lay at her door。 The churches of Saumur owe much of their
embellishment to her。 Madame de Bonfons (sometimes ironically spoken
of as mademoiselle) inspires for the most part reverential respect:
and yet that noble heart; beating only with tenderest emotions; has
been; from first to last; subjected to the calculations of human
selfishness; money has cast its frigid influence upon that hallowed
life and taught distrust of feelings to a woman who is all feeling。

〃I have none but you to love me;〃 she says to Nanon。

The hand of this woman stanches the secret wounds in many families。
She goes on her way to heaven attended by a train of benefactions。 The
grandeur of her soul redeems the narrowness of her education and the
petty habits of her early life。

Such is the history of Eugenie Grandet; who is in the world but not of
it; who; created to be supremely a wife and mother; has neither
husband nor children nor family。 Lately there has been some question
of her marrying again。 The Saumur people talk of her and of the
Marquis de Froidfond; whose family are beginning to beset the rich
widow just as; in former days; the Cruchots laid siege to the rich
heiress。 Nanon and Cornoiller are; it is said; in the interests of the
marquis。 Nothing could be more false。 Neither la Grande Nanon nor
Cornoiller has sufficient mind to understand the corruptions of the

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